
Donald Trump has always been known for his peculiar comments, but his continued references to Hannibal Lecter have left many baffled. During a recent rally in North Carolina, Trump went on a rambling tirade about immigrants, bizarrely invoking the fictional character Hannibal Lecter. “They’re coming from everywhere. They’re coming from all over the world, from prisons and jails, and mental institutions and insane asylums. You know, they go crazy when I say, ‘The late great Hannibal Lecter,’ OK? They say, ‘Why would he mention Hannibal Lecter? He must be cognitively in trouble.’ No no no, these are real stories. Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lamb [sic]. He’s a lovely man. He’d love to have you for dinner”, told The Guardian.

This statement not only confused and amused many, but it also appalled Sir Anthony Hopkins, who famously portrayed Lecter. In response to Trump’s repeated name-drops, an AI-generated video featuring “Lecter” himself surfaced on social media platform X. In the video, “Lecter” launches into an expletive-filled rant, insisting he hasn’t given Trump permission to use his name. He humorously threatens to eat Trump and calls him “diseased filth,” “a person of such low moral character,” and “unworthy to utter my name,” among other colorful insults.

The video quickly gained traction on X, with users finding it hilarious. Comments poured in, including, “This is hilarious and perfect thank you for sharing,” and “Loving this!! Hannibal Lecter is not very happy about Trump using his name. lol” Another user remarked, “Even Hannibal Lecter knows a rancid smell when he gets a whiff!”

One detailed anti-Trump comment outlined the morals that Lecter possesses, which Trump allegedly lacks: “Morals that Lecter has which Trump does not: 1. Lecter is willing to face those he disagrees with. He’s not a sniveling coward. 2. Lecter studies and understands his victims. 3. Lecter spares those he considers moral and even helps them. Did I miss any?”

Despite the overwhelming amusement, there were a few negative reactions. One user wrote, “Listen to your filthy mouth and you judge him. Your post is a joke,” while another commenteIt’s worth noting that Sir Anthony Hopkins, who brought Lecter to life, has won two Oscars for the role, a testament to his talent.

Trump’s propensity for bizarre statements has often made him a target for ridicule. As long as he continues to make outlandish claims—like believing Hannibal Lecter is an actual person and a good one at that—he will undoubtedly remain a source of both confusion and humor.



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