
Governor Janet T. Mills (D-Maine) participated remotely in a meeting with President Biden, expressing her strong support for his candidacy despite recent concerns. In a statement released by her office, Governor Mills emphasized the importance of Biden’s leadership and the impact of his policies on Maine residents.

“I appreciated the opportunity to talk with the President. We had a candid and constructive conversation in which I told him that I cared deeply about him, that I believe he has been an excellent leader for our country, and that I support him,” Mills stated. Reflecting on Biden’s election, she remarked, “When he was elected, it was a breath of fresh air during a very dark time. He helped pull us out of the grips of the pandemic and he has passed some of the most consequential laws in decades—laws that are helping Maine people every single day.”

Governor Mills also addressed the recent presidential debate, acknowledging the concerns of her constituents. “I conveyed to the President that last week’s debate was difficult to watch, that some Maine people had since expressed concerns to me about his campaign, including anxiety over whether he could win, and that it would be good for him to reassure the voters of Maine, just as he was reassuring us,” she said.

Despite these challenges, Mills expressed confidence in Biden’s determination and commitment. “The President made it clear to me and the rest of the Governors that he was in it to win it and that he would be making his case to the American people—and I believe him,” she affirmed.

Looking ahead, Governor Mills is hopeful that Biden will continue to demonstrate the qualities that have defined his presidency. “Over the next several months, and especially in the coming days, I look forward to the President demonstrating to the American people the same heart, determination, and vigor that he brought to our conversation this evening—qualities that I have come to know well in my time with him over the years,” she stated.

Governor Mills concluded her statement with a clear endorsement of Biden over former President Donald Trump. “I stick with President Biden and his record of accomplishment for Maine people over the chaos and ineptitude that Donald Trump would rain down on the American people.”

Governor Mills’ statement was released shortly before 10:00 pm from her office, reinforcing her unwavering support for President Biden amid a pivotal time in the 2024 presidential race.



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