
The New York Giants’ choice to let star running back Saquon Barkley enter free agency was driven by their significant financial commitment to quarterback Daniel Jones. General Manager Joe Schoen revealed this strategic decision during a personnel meeting, which was featured in the latest episode of “Hard Knocks.”

Schoen’s explanation highlighted the financial reality of today’s NFL, where quarterbacks command a higher value and larger portion of the salary cap compared to running backs. With Jones receiving a $40 million annual contract, Schoen made it clear that allocating additional substantial funds to a running back like Barkley, who would command around $12 million per year, was not feasible, told Bleacher Report.

“You’re paying the guy $40 million. It’s not to hand the ball off to a $12 million back,” Schoen stated, emphasizing the importance of maximizing the return on their investment in Jones.

This decision underscores a broader trend in the NFL, where teams prioritize quarterback performance over the running game. The Giants’ financial strategy reflects this trend, focusing on ensuring their investment in Jones pays off. However, this decision also raises questions about whether the significant investment in Jones was a prudent move.

Schoen acknowledged the critical nature of the upcoming season for Jones. Entering the second year of his lucrative contract, Jones faces immense pressure to validate the Giants’ faith in him. Schoen candidly discussed the stakes involved, indicating that Jones’ performance in 2024 would determine his long-term future with the team.

“This is the year for Daniel,” Schoen noted. “The plan all along was to give him a couple years. Is he our guy for the next 10 years? Or do we need to pivot and find someone else?”, as The New York Post reported.

The Giants’ decision not to franchise tag Barkley or extend his contract was a calculated risk, rooted in the need to evaluate Jones’ capabilities. While the move might seem controversial given Barkley’s talent and popularity, it reflects the harsh economic realities and strategic priorities facing NFL teams.

As the Giants gear up for the 2024 season, all eyes will be on Daniel Jones to see if he can rise to the occasion and justify the substantial investment made in him. The decision to part ways with Barkley will undoubtedly be scrutinized, but it is a testament to the high stakes and complex decisions involved in managing an NFL roster in the modern era.



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