
Rumors of trouble are circulating about the marriage of Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, as sources suggest the couple is facing difficulties in their relationship. In recent years, DeGeneres has been at the center of several controversies that nearly derailed her television career. Despite these challenges, the couple has leaned on their successful real estate ventures to navigate through tough times.

However, insiders now claim that their relationship may be under strain as they grapple with ongoing issues. In August, the couple made headlines when they sold their expansive 10-acre estate in Santa Barbara County for a staggering $96 million to mining magnate Robert Friedland. The property had been purchased just a year earlier in 2022 for $70 million.

Along with this sale, DeGeneres and de Rossi also reportedly own several other properties, including a Bel Air mansion bought for $29 million, a Montecito home valued at around $14 million, and an $8.8 million residence in Coldwater Canyon.

Despite their real estate successes, sources close to the couple indicate that their personal lives may not be as prosperous. “Ellen is known for flipping houses, but this one is different. It was their dream home. They just celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary [on August 16], but it wasn’t exactly celebratory,” one insider revealed.

The source further elaborated on the tensions in their marriage, explaining that DeGeneres being home more frequently has put a strain on their relationship. “Ellen being home all the time has taken a toll on their marriage. And Portia isn’t working much either.

They’re always in each other’s faces, and frankly, they’re getting on each other’s nerves,” the insider shared. The situation has reportedly left de Rossi longing for more personal space. “Now Portia probably wishes she hadn’t. She doesn’t have her space. Every time she turns around, there’s Ellen…” the source added.

As the couple navigates these challenges, questions remain about the future of their relationship. While they continue to manage their impressive real estate portfolio, the strains of constant togetherness seem to be taking a toll on their once-solid marriage.



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