
Traditional conservatives may find themselves conflicted over the current state of President Joe Biden’s administration. Faced with the choice between inactivity or aggressive implementation of Biden’s policies, many might reluctantly prefer the former. However, the president’s recent schedule, which has gone viral for its lack of substance, has left critics questioning whether even minimal activity is being achieved.

On Thursday, RealClearPolitics Co-Founder and President Tom Bevan highlighted Biden’s weekly schedule on the social media platform X, describing it as “truly absurd.” Bevan didn’t hold back, writing, “Any employee or CEO who did would be fired. Biden is the leader of the free world working 10 hours a week.” His post quickly gained attention, showing a schedule that included just one phone call on Monday, nothing but a daily brief on Tuesday and Wednesday, and a phone call and ceremony on Thursday before heading off to his beach house.

The revelation of Biden’s light schedule has fueled ongoing concerns about his leadership. Tuesday and Wednesday were marked by inactivity, with only a daily briefing on the agenda. Even more concerning to some, Biden’s workday started at 10 a.m., leaving many to wonder how the president is using his time during a period of significant global and domestic challenges.

Adding to the controversy, on Thursday, Biden’s first task of the day—a 12:30 p.m. phone call—was with Democratic Governor Josh Green of Hawaii to commemorate the first anniversary of the devastating Maui wildfires. This action reopened old wounds, particularly Biden’s much-criticized “no comment” response to questions about the Maui disaster in August 2023. Critics have not forgotten the delay in Biden’s visit to the island or the perceived insensitivity of his remarks when he finally arrived, where he was seen talking about himself rather than focusing on the victims.

To cap off what many see as a dismal week, Biden’s schedule included leaving the White House at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday for yet another vacation, this time in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. This prompted the question: a vacation from what, exactly?

Biden has kept a notably low profile since his abrupt and still-unexplained withdrawal from the 2024 presidential race. His withdrawal followed a catastrophic debate performance on June 27, which some speculate was the moment the media received orders to finally acknowledge his cognitive decline. This has left many Americans with the impression that the country currently lacks a functioning president.

Traditional conservatives are left with mixed feelings. On one hand, they may feel a sense of relief that an inactive Biden is not implementing policies they oppose. On the other hand, they are outraged that a president with a long history in politics seems poised to enjoy extended periods of rest and relaxation at taxpayers’ expense while pressing issues like border security and global instability remain unresolved.

Ultimately, this spectacle raises fundamental questions about the state of American democracy. If the person elected to serve as president is not effectively functioning in that role, who is truly leading the country?



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